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Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion in Surgery Conference 2023
A conference that focuses on International Medical Graduates (IMGs) who aspire to become a surgeon in the UK can be an excellent opportunity to bring together medical professionals and students worldwide. The aim is to bring together a diverse group of medical professionals and students who are interested in pursuing a career as a surgeon in the UK and provide a platform for IMGs to network and acquire guidance in navigating a competitive surgical career.

11 November 2023
In person venue:
Royal College of Surgeons of England
38-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE
The Conference Speakers

Ms Leena Chagla
Topic: Women in Surgery

Mr Raj Praseedom
MBBS, MA (Cantab), FRCSEng, FRCSEd (Gen), FFST (Ed), MS
Topic: Diversity in Surgery

Ms Chris Bowman
Topic: Diversity, Inclusion, and Difference - It's all about teamwork
Dr Aditi Siddhart
MBBS, MS, DRCOG, DFSRH, MRCOG, MSc (Oxon), DPhil Student
Topic: Micro-aggression in the workplace

Ms Aaliya Uddin
MBBS, MRCS, PgCert (Med Ed)
President, Surgical Society of International Doctors
Topic: Introduction to SSID
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