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Executive committee

Aaliya Uddin
Founder and President

Akshay Vinoo

Gaurav Jha

Vinayak Korde
Education Supervisor

Mohamed Eldolify
Networking Supervisor

Praveen Subbia
Sponsorship & Outreach Lead

Ninada K Chandrashekar
Newsletter and Communications Lead

Shivani Kuttuva
Marketing Lead

Hafiz El-Shazali
Networking Lead

Hardil Majmudar
Research Lead

Waleed Burhamah
Research Lead

Priyanka Suresh
Design Lead

Darrell Barcelona
Website Lead

Lydia Chang
Social Media Lead

Jefferson George
Education Lead

Talha Tarrar
Education Lead

Krithikalakshmi Sathiyamoorthy
Education Sub-committee

Marlyn George
Medical Student Representative Lead

Myat Mon Win

Harsha Pratap
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